Titles include:
Typical letter from an experienced self-applied bondage player with no previous contact with the outside world. Discusses intuitive knowledge and instinctive fantasies which turn out to be textbook cliches.
Ex-navy technician turned on mainly by diving, skiing and other restrictive sports gear describes how he has played intensely private solo restraint-games since early childhood.
Bondage enthusiast with ex-army ambulance equipped for indoor and outdoor games seeks male and female playmates.
Complex and obscure thoughts on distinctions between specifically SM activities and bondage-as-an-end-in-itself from a German Thinker.
A formal agreement document which details many alternative SM activities, is to be signed by a 'Subject' contracting to surrender him/herself to a period of 'Confinement and Control'.
A group of regular game-players advertise for isolated rural premises or secure urban 'Industrial space' suitable for a wide range of SM and bondage group activities.
Cautionary notes from a senior doctor (also an experienced SM/bondage/Leatherman) detail the dangers of some popular SM practices, as he tries to separate often-repeated fiction from harsh reality.
Long-time FETTERS correspondent summarizes his gradual coming-to-terms with suppressed instincts. This intensely honest story shows how unfocused frustration for years screwed up his career, marriage and self-esteem. A fascinating insight into a problem more common than most people realize.
Whatever your sexual orientation there is something in this attractive small paperback for you. Full of humor, irreverence and down-to-earth common sense the ironically titled autobiography is packed with thought-provoking information.
Married 25 years, pillars of the local darts team and bowling club Sally and Malcolm published the story of their voyage of self-discovery as a protest against the current state of the law and censorship in Britain. It follows their progress from early erotic experimentation in suburban isolation to visits to Fetish clubs in Amsterdam, New York and San Francisco.
This charmingly ordinary British couple are the reality behind the lurid tabloids mythology of so-called Bizarre Sex. In telling their story they explode a lot of myths and reveal the humanity behind what too many people consider to be the dark side of human relationships.
Witty, surprising and full of observations about the way the world perceives SM, bondage and power-exchange games.
Also included in this volume is:
A detailed review of the way the British Establishment deliberately contrived to criminallize consensual S&M games in Britain;
A series of informal notes prepared as starting points for discussions during a college course on Human Sexuality. The aim was to identify the diversity of sexual alternatives in activities too often lumped together as S&M.
"This deliciously light hearted tale of innocents in the wonderful world of kinkery is essential reading for people new to role play in real life, and a valuable compendium of information for the casually curious" (Fetish Times, London)
From a very early age the author was fascinated by legends of HARRY HOUDINI. Long before he understood anything about sex he knew he liked to get tied up, tie people up and watch people getting tied up ... and he never grew out of it. This attractive 100 page paperback is aimed mainly at men still struggling to deal with guilty fantasies about physical restraint situations. A book that could save years wasted in frustration.
Subtle distinctions between S&M games and bondage-as-an-end-in-itself are discussed and many different sorts of mutually enjoyable physical restraint, endurance, control and counter-control situations are explored in detail. People who have already accepted that bondage in one of its many forms is what they're into, will discover new paths by following the author through an amazing web of alternative tracks.
People of all sexual orientations will find this modest booklet a mine of information, thought-provoking comment, ideas and alternatives.
"Buy it for your uncomprehending friends and relatives, if not for yourself." Desire magazine
"There's a Houdini hiding inside a lot of men" Bound & Gagged magazine
(94 PAGES £5.50 including p&p in UK.)
A quiet weekend alone in a British sea-side resort turns into a Mind Game. Classic tale of a man unsure of what makes him tick, but unable to resist a challenge.
The mysterious appeal of leather as a sensual stimulator is explored in thought-provoking detail in this suspenseful game of encounter between between a New York Leatherman and an ex-army, married-with-kids stranger to the leather / bondage /SM lifestyle. Not a seduction; a dangerous game of cat and mouse - but which is the cat? Written in the style of a movie script, this scenario offers a revealing look behind the scenes of leather, role play and intense man-to-man bondage games.
This factual story of an army exercise in which two trainee Commandos abduct and transport an unwilling victim fifty miles without allowing him to resist, escape or attract attention illustrates the planning and skills needed to play any physical, outdoor SM/bondage fantasy game.
A series of home Desk-top published single story booklets, each approximately 10,000 words/36 pages, un-illustrated. Although sexually explicit, each story in this series has been chosen because it contains detailed information about the ways and means of imaginative physical restraint games between strong and active men.
Erotic Bondage can take many different forms. Each of the authors has a different personal preference.
In a very short sequel to Weekend in the Life of a Motorcycle Messenger, Chris the hospital attendant who now shares a flat with the motor-cyclist Sam, gives him a night to remember, staked out in the garden in the pouring rain. In LOCKED IN LEATHER Chris agrees to survive a full 24 hours locked inside leather from head to toes and under severe restraint. But, as often happens, the Scene does not develop exactly as planned.
(Xeroxed, these single book copies cost £5 each including p&p within the UK. Set of five £20.)
Fetters International
40 Fitzwilliam Road
London SW4 0DN
United Kingdom
From the US: 001 44 171 622 1356
New price list begins - Fetters BONDAGE READER SERIES. These modestly produced desk-top published booklets are intended to spark the imagination. This doesn't mean they were written as erotic fantasy fiction, neither are they instruction manuals, but every page bubbles with ideas, questions, off-beat opinions and an un-apologetic enthusiasm for the general subject.
ALL BOOKS AVAILABLE DIRECT FROM Jim Stewart Prices below include post and handling from the UK Special reductions for multiple title orders Fiction
WEEKEND in the life of a MOTORCYCLE MESSENGER by John Strickland £5.50 USA $9 MORE ADVENTURES OF A MOTORCYCLE MESSENGER by John Strickland £5.50 $9 TOP RIDGE FARM & OTHER STORIES by Jim Stewart £5.50 $9 THREE SCENARIOS: GAMES MEN PLAY by Jim Stewart £6.50 $10 HOUDINI CONNECTIONS by Jim Stewart £8.00 $10 Non-Fiction LETTERS FROM THE FETTERS FILES £6.50 $10 WE LOVE S&M: Criminal Confessions from Suburbia £6.50 $10 SO I LIKE TO GET TIED UP ...... SO WHAT!!? £6.50 $10